Stop Doing Things You Hate: A Quarterly Strategy + Planning Workshop

It’s time. Time to mind your business.

Like the sweet, sweet relief of aloe on a sunburn, this quarterly workshop is a salve for your business soul.

Like the sweet, sweet relief of aloe on a sunburn,
this quarterly workshop is a salve for your business soul.

A regular reminder we give to our clients (and each other): You don't have to keep doing things you hate (or even dislike a lot) in your business + marketing.

It sounds so obvious but the RELIEF we see when business owners are given this permission made us realize how not obvious it is, especially when it comes to business growth + digital marketing.

Note: there's definitely a difference between hating something because it's out of alignment and being uncomfortable with something because it's unfamiliar. You can learn your way out of unfamiliarity, you can't do the same with being out of alignment. 

For now, we're talking about things that feel out of alignment a.k.a things you think you should do to grow and market your business but actually feel overwhelming, defeating or, not productive. 

Growth + Marketing “Shoulds”* like: 

  • Posting to social media multiple times a day

  • Launching new products all the time

  • Doubling or tripling your prices to scale your business

  • Writing a new blog post every week

  • Sending newsletters every day

*If you LOVE doing any of these things don’t leave! Those are some frequent stressors we hear. Whatever your version of “should” is, we’ll help you shake it off.

To be honest, if we felt the pressure to “should” ourselves all the time, we would not be running our own business(es). 🤪 But we love what we do and we like bending rules so we're taking a different approach.

What’s this approach you ask?

We’re glad you did.

Stop Doing Things You Hate: A Quarterly Strategy + Planning Workshop

No added fees for baggage here. We’ll help you learn to pack light!

No added fees for baggage here. We’ll help you learn to pack light!

Instead of creating a business growth + marketing strategy that is packed with rigid goals and tasks you secretly loathe and will leave you feeling burnout before it even gets off the ground – we will help you create a FLEXIBLE strategy with timelines based on a holistic view of your goals, priorities, capacity, and motivation.

When we say “holistic” we mean the WHOLE picture. During the workshop we will look at: 

  • A wellness check of your life and business

  • Your personal AND business priorities

  • What's been working

  • What feels good

  • What you'd like to change

  • What you have capacity for

  • What you really love to do vs. what feels like hitting your head against a wall

We'll help you set your quarterly plan based on all that information and we'll introduce systems and workflows that can help cut down (or even cut out) the things you really don't like doing.

What’s it like?

 We're keeping this group small (only 6 spots) so we can give full attention to:

  • Setting your digital marketing (and other business-building/maintaining strategy) plan, in obtainable 3-month chunks.

  • Reviewing your messaging for clarity + consistency

  • Reflecting on the current state of your business and brand

  • Brain Dumping future ideas and start working them into an action plan

There's a lot about entrepreneurship that requires you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things – that's a given – but it does NOT have to feel like constantly running uphill.

We do not like running so we'd like to make that stop ASAP.

Stop Doing Things You Hate will be offered quarterly so you can have a regular check-in with yourself and your business.

Goals change, plans change, circumstances change. Quarterly check-ins make sure you are honoring the most current version + vision of yourself and your business vs. some outdated version that keeps crashing. #computerhumor

When you attend Stop Doing Things You Hate, you'll get one free session of Batch.It, our monthly productivity + accountability event. It's Study Hall for your business! So you'll make the plan and then have time to get the sh*t done.

Growth, support, alignment, getting sh*t done.


Next Date: June 2nd. 10am - 12:30pm, $50

Save your seat ⬇️

YABD September 2020-033.jpg

High Fives!

We’re Ready to Help You!



Project Highlight: Parish Hill Creamery


Bethany Clarke - Writer!