Creek Hill Upholstery. Recover Your Style.

One of the things I love best about NH Personal Brand Photography? Learning about what you do! Especially if it's drastically different from what I've ever experienced!

Such is the case for Creek Hill Upholstery.

Jeanne is a ridiculously talented artist based in Newmarket, NH.

Her art? Making one of a kind home decor pieces as well as taking old furniture and giving it new life.

Seeing the inside of her studio had me feeling like 'Honey, I Shrunk The Kids' ... not because it's huge, but because I felt like I was seeing the whole of something I generally take for granted (furniture!). Seeing it from a new perspective and it opened up a whole new piece of my brain!

Jeanne’s NH personal brand photography was also part of her brand refresh/new website build w/ brand photos for You’re A Big Deal!

Make sure you check it out, and if you have any style you need recovered, she should be your first call!

Jeanne's NH personal brand photography is also unique in that it's our first full website build + brand photos for You're A Big Deal!


NH Personal Brand Photography - Health Coach Edition!


When Dreams come True - KW Salon Brand Photography